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Art Show: Medieval-Inspired Mosaics

Prospectus and Entry Instructions

Exhibit Entries accepted from 4/1/2014 to 4/30/2014.

Banner for Medieval-Inspired Mosaics art show


From the American Heritage Dictionary:

mo·sa·ic (mo-za'ik) n.

1. a. A picture or decorative design made by setting small colored pieces, as of stone or tile, into a surface.
b. The process or art of making such pictures or designs.

Mosaic is a technique that has been used to create art for thousands of years, yet the word "mosaic" is from Middle English. Since this show focuses on the Middle Ages, it was a rather interesting thing to discover. Now that the nifty coincidence has been remarked on, let's get to the nitty-gritty of this prospectus.

Roughly, the Medieval period is from 500 - 1500 AD. If you're the picky type, it's 300 AD to one of three end dates - 1453, 1485 or 1513 AD, depending on which of three historical events you think is more important. Washington State University has a page that breaks down the three periods that make up the MIddle Ages briefly and clearly. Just click "Middle Ages" to get there.

All mosaics entered in this need to be the old fashioned kind where you stick small bits of something onto a larger something - so please, no digital mosaics. The time period is strictly Medieval - no fudging the line into the Renaissance. Since the Middle Ages cover 1000 years, we're pretty sure everyone will find something that inspires them. We just want things to be clear. Also, please consider including something about the pieces you enter. Things like subject matter, why you chose it, the time period, are good places to start. We would also like to know what materials you used to create your mosaic. As long as your entry is composed of many pieces and is three dimensional, it doesn't matter what you choose to create it with.

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