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Art Show: Flower of the Month: Magnolia

Dance of the Magnolia and Steel

by Stephanie Fischer

Banner for Flower of the Month: Magnolia art show

Art: Dance of the Magnolia and Steel by Artist Stephanie Fischer
Found in a dumpster, the steel vase....a work of art....but discarded in such a cold way... The ultimate that EBSQ gives me is the challenge, the quest.....the shows are quests to see what I have been looking at for years. So I thought about doing a glass magnolia, but I wanted more and then my eye fell upon the steel vase, the challenge. From there it all just flowed. Multiple transparancies were made from a beautiful magnolia picture and then the first was adhered to the vase. 4 more were cut out and layered at different angles on top of either other. The effect is luminescent. Then a glass butterfly was created to add to the collage and then some leaves and microbeads. Acryllic paints were used to accent and embellish with "Live, Love, Laugh". That is what I was doing when I finished. The steel vase had a new life, a radiant beauty that satisfied me and the EBSQ challenge for Steel Magnolias.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Dance of the Magnolia and Steel


Detail Image for art Dance of the Magnolia and Steel

Close-up of Magnolia

Detail Image for art Dance of the Magnolia and Steel

Close-up of butterfly


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