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Art Show: Flower of the Month: Lily of the Valley

Lily of the Valley and Spider

by Harlan

Banner for Flower of the Month: Lily of the Valley art show

Art: Lily of the Valley and Spider by Artist Harlan
Lilies of the Valley have always enchanted me. My parents had a bed of them outside the library and the perfume was magical. Every spring I watch for them to bloom so that I may enjoy the beauty of their delicate flowers and the lovely fragrance. I loved the composition of this piece, the flowers set off to the right and framed so beautifully by their large graceful leaves. The previous fall's oak leaves littering the ground, brown and brittle form such a lovely contrast to the lilies. And "Bobble", the spider, so small and easily overlooked came to enjoy the beauty of the flowers too.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Lily of the Valley and Spider

Bobble, the Spider


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