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Art Show: Flower of the Month: Bridal Bouquets

The Gift II

by Kim Kennedy

Banner for Flower of the Month: Bridal Bouquets art show

Art: The Gift II by Artist Kim Kennedy
A thought and a sketch... I never know where they will end. They are always surprising to me...This is titled, "The Gift", for more reasons than one.  Could it be a bridal bouquet? Hmmm...Yes, it could be.  Symbolic? Yes, it can be.

The bouquet is a  simple gift, a symbolic gift...a gift of one's self...for better...or worse.   This is what I give to you....such is life....  This is my statement:

Sometimes we are given gifts...big or small, wrapped or unwrapped.  Sometimes we know they are coming and sometimes we don't. Sometimes the gift is expensive and sometimes they are not. Sometimes, the gift is a person and sometimes that gift is "you". Sometimes, the smallest of gifts are what matter the most... a smile, a bloom, a voice....

Sometimes we see the gifts and ...sometimes...we don't.



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