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Art Show: Design the Next EBSQ T-shirt!

tee design

by Heide Hibbard

Banner for Design the Next EBSQ T-shirt! art show

Art: tee design by Artist Heide Hibbard
I have been collecting random bowls on sale for stock food photography shots that I have been working on. I thought this bowl had an especially nice design to be photographed with tomato soup in it because of the swirly black and white design. EBSQ is my "feel good" place and tomato soup is my 'feel good" soup for when I am sick or cold - so there came the title. I used photoshop to clean up the photo and create the layout and text. I chose a casual script type style for the headline to convey a "comfy" kind of personal feeling and chose a sans serif simple text for the subtitle for ease in reading. I first had done the subtitle text in black and it seemed boring, so I color sampled the soup and tried it in the tomato color but that seemed to be washed out with the large swatch of tomato color just above it. Finally I tried alternating the color which I am kind of fond of doing anyway and it felt just right :-)

Detail Images

Detail Image for art tee design


Detail Image for art tee design

figuring out lighting for shot


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