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Art Show: Classic Mythology in Contemporary Fantasy Art

Medusa's baby Picture

by Noelle Hunt

Banner for Classic Mythology in Contemporary Fantasy Art art show

Art: Medusa's baby Picture by Artist Noelle Hunt
Medusa’s baby Picture

I cannot help the way my mind works

Medusa has historically been seen as the archetype of the nasty mother, so of course I have to try and see her as a baby.

One of the Gorgons, and the only one who was mortal. Her gaze could turn whoever she looked upon to stone. There is a particular myth in which Medusa was originally a beautiful maiden. She desecrated Athena's temple by lying there with Poseidon. Outraged, Athena turned Medusa's hair into living snakes.

Obviously I ignore this and just make her “snakey” from the beginning. Snow Blythe, a portrait of the Blythe doll.

The beauty of Blythe is she is so weirdly creepy cool!

Inspired by the Blythe dolls of the late 70’s this is a mini painting.

A perfect way to have original art in a small space! Each painting has a layer of artist’s gesso is applied, allowed to dry then sanded again. The piece has 3 layers of gesso hand sanded between each application. When the painting is completed it is them finished with 3 coats of sealer to protect it from environmental damage.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Medusa's baby Picture

Detail Image for art Medusa's baby Picture

Detail Image for art Medusa's baby Picture


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