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Art Show: Childhood: A Mixed-Media Show


by Christine Wasankari

Banner for Childhood: A Mixed-Media Show art show

Art: Mushroom by Artist Christine Wasankari
This Original painting is one in a new series called "Earth Spirits" and was inspired by my 9 year daughter believe it or not. I used to teach the afternoon art classes at the school and I was forever enchanted and intrigued by the young child's lack of social critique hanging over their head. They have so much fun just playing! I loved it and was loose and free with my own painting as well. Which is a struggle when working to make a living at art, worrying about what will sell, marketing to who's buying what etc. This is a creativity killer! None of these things should be worried about when creating art but let's face it, as a professional you have to work what sells. So when I was around the little guys it really helped to keep me loose and inspired. I quite that job because ironically it was getting in my way as a professional artist. And guess what? I started to get too tight, too persnickety and not having any fun any more in more in my art. One day I was watching my daughter just slam out the most amazing drawings. Her creatures were so right off the top of her imagination, she was having a blast just drawing and drawing and drawing. She didn't have enough paper it was all coming out so fast. And they were all beautiful. So while watching her and being so enchanted by what I witnessing, I was taken back to a time when I was a child and realized I was well on my way to losing why I started this whole thing called art. Because I loved it. because it felt good to create and have fun and bring out all those wonderful imaginary friends I had. I almost cried. So anyway, these little guys are a direct result of combing all of this and watching my beautiful daughter do the very same thing I used to do. These paintings are created with collage, pen and ink, glitter glue and of course the ubiquitous always at hand acrylic paint.


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