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Art Show: Childhood: A Mixed-Media Show

Alyce and Ted

by Jack Day

Banner for Childhood: A Mixed-Media Show art show

Art: Alyce and Ted by Artist Jack Day
Created for the 'Childhood' show, I thought long and hard about what childhood means to me, eventually coming up with 'faeries and teddies'. I was a solitary little girl (through choice - now I''m 44 apparently I'm anti-social!), living a lot in my imagination, and my teddy invariably accompanied me in my games with the faeries. So here's Alyce with her faithful friend in tow. Alyce is hand sculpted in polymer clay. Her dress is a mix of net, organza, georgette and all the other sparkly things necessary for a small fae to take her place in the world of all things magical.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Alyce and Ted

Detail Image for art Alyce and Ted

Detail Image for art Alyce and Ted


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