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Art Show: Cat & Mouse

Crouching Tiddles, Hidden Mousey

by Jack Day

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Prizes for this exhibit:
Custom Stickers from StickerYou

StickerYou is awarding the Member's Choice winner of this exhibit with a coupon for $50 of free stickers to use on the best platform for making custom die-cut stickers.

Art: Crouching Tiddles, Hidden Mousey by Artist Jack Day
With apologies to 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon'....

Tiddles sits enjoying the sun after a wander through the garden on a lovely spring day, totally unaware of Mousey hiding behind the flower pot - hence 'Crouching Tiddles, Hidden Mousey', my entry for the Cat & Mouse exhibit.

These vibrantly colourful glass beads screamed GARDEN at me and when I discovered the flowerpot bead too, the seeds were sewn, if you'll pardon the pun. Tiddles is a fabulous funky aluminium cat whilst delicate little Mousey is sterling silver. The necklace is hung with hand dyed silk ribbon. Oh, and the paw prints are Tibetan silver - so sweet!

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Crouching Tiddles, Hidden Mousey

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Detail Image for art Crouching Tiddles, Hidden Mousey

side view

Detail Image for art Crouching Tiddles, Hidden Mousey

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