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Art Show: Anatomy

Prospectus and Entry Instructions

Exhibit Entries accepted from 1/1/2006 to 1/31/2006.

Banner for Anatomy art show


This is a drawing specific show for objective anatomical studies. Any other media or subject matter is ineligible for entry.

1: undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena.

1: a detailed critical inspection
2: preliminary drawing for later elaboration; "he made several studies before starting to paint" [syn: sketch]

We live with it every day. We see it. We use it. It is almost impossible to separate it from who we are, how we perceive others and how we relate to the world around us. It is the human body and it is hard to be objective about it.

Drawing is a basic form of artistic expression. It is with us from the time we are children and still we work to master it. In spite of this, it is an often overlooked media. How many times have we heard or maybe even said, "Oh, it's just a drawing."

This show combines the body and drawing. A hand, an elbow, an eye, an ear - choose it, study it and draw it.

A statement detailing the materials, process, and what made you choose your subject is required. It increases understanding of your work and significantly enhances the experience for the viewer. As texture or other small elements may be pivotal to the piece, detail shots are encouraged. All points of the prospectus should be met. If you have any questions regarding the prospectus and its requirements, please send them to

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