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Art Show: Abstract Expressions

Prospectus and Entry Instructions

Exhibit Entries accepted from 7/1/2005 to 7/31/2005.

Banner for Abstract Expressions art show


Please read the following prospectus carefully!:

There are many styles that can be found gathered under the umbrella of Abstract Art. In addition to some of the more well known movements such as Cubism, Neoplastisim and Fauvism, you can also find ones, such as Futurism and Vorticism. As a show, "Abstract Expressions" will focus exclusively on Abstract Expressionism.

Abstract Expressionism - a form of art in which the artist expresses himself purely through the use of form and color. It is a form of non-representational, or non-objective, art, which means that there are no concrete objects represented. There is a wide range of stylistic diversity within this nonrepresentational framework. This can be seen if one looks at a Jackson Pollack or a Willem de Kooning and then looks at work by Mark Rothko. The basics of Abstract Expressionism are attention to such things as texture and brushstroke, the entire space of the canvas was important to the work, meaning that no one area played a more important role than another. Painting is approached as a means of communication. It is a transferring emotion onto the canvas and accidents that occur during creation are incorporated into the work. Abstract Expressionism is not so much about the result of creation, but the act the of creation.

"Abstract Expressions" seeks to challenge the artist to create in a style and manner that many may be unused working in. For some paint is not a medium in which they usually work. In these cases, we encourage artists to explore a different medium and their own concepts of how they define themselves and their work. The purpose of these shows is to provide artists a chance to push themselves, grow and have fun.

A statement must be included with each piece that will inform the viewer about your work, why you were motivated to create it and what you experienced during the process. It will greatly increase the understanding of your work and significantly enhances the experience for the viewer. This is particularly important given the genre focused on in this show.

EBSQ would like to thank Golden Artist Colors for sponsoring this exhibition!

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EBSQ Self Representing Artists - is a division of EBSQ, LLC