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Art Show: One-Word Concept: Jagged


by Virginia Ann Zuelsdorf

Banner for One-Word Concept: Jagged art show

Art: Thunderstorm by Artist Virginia Ann Zuelsdorf
What could be more jagged than lightning!This piece addresses the consequences of sin. This is my vision of the monsters that come out when the sky is ignited by Mother Nature.

They are evil incarnate. It's as if God's wrath is being brought down upon us sinners in an apocalyptic storm.

After being in a high-rise parking garage during a very bad storm, I was inspired to do this painting. The building was hit by lightning several times in a row and the noise was deafening. I felt electrified and terrified!

And so I wondered; was God trying to give me a message? It was time to get out of there and hide from the storm and the monsters. This is a multi-media piece, done on an old door. There is a pressure gauge, a plaster model for teeth, wire and a piece of another small painting on it. s

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Thunderstorm

Detail Image for art Thunderstorm

Detail Image for art Thunderstorm


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