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The Wonderland Rabbit...It is Later than You Think

by Alma Lee

Surrealism Art Gallery

Art: The Wonderland Rabbit...It is Later than You Think by Artist Alma Lee
So here you are
much too late
Don't run,
Don't waddle
It can't wait!

This is a color pencil and marker drawn on watercolor paper.  It is my version of the Alice in Wonderland Rabbit.  On the wall I took the liberty of write down all the things we say about time.  Don't run in the halls, No time like the present ect.  I believe that there is a little Rabbit in all of us, the taskmaster of time.  Here is hoping we can make him quieter!

Detail Images

Detail Image for art The Wonderland Rabbit...It is Later than You Think

0611 Wonderland Rabbit cup.jpg

Detail Image for art The Wonderland Rabbit...It is Later than You Think

0611 Wonderland Rabbit cup 1.jpg


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