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Katrina's Tea Party

by Stephanie M. Daigle

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Art: Katrina's Tea Party by Artist Stephanie M. Daigle
Katrina's Tea Party

A couple of weeks ago I was sent a photo of my granddaughter Katrina, depicting her having a fun little tea party with her stuffed animals. Katrina was wearing a white floppy hat and most of her stuffed animals wore hats as well.

Katrina will turn 5 years old this coming week and it seemed to me like a no brainer that she would love it if I made her a necklace with her tea party as a theme.

I lovingly made each of the 51 lampwork beads in this necklace myself, using the flame of my torch and rods of Italian glass. I made replica's of Katrina's stuffed animals, and a paper doll style little blonde girl starring as Katrina. I used the photo as a reference to copy Katrina's little stuffed animals.

The whole time I was working on making the beads for this necklace, as well as while putting it together, it made my heart sing to be able to give my grandaughter such a fun little gift as this.

This necklace is 20 inches long and strung on cord. I made it long enough that Katrina can just pull it over her head when she wants to take it on and off.

Happy 5th Birthday Katrina! I Love You!

Grandma Stephanie

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Katrina's Tea Party

The stuffed animals

Detail Image for art Katrina's Tea Party

paper doll style Katrina

Detail Image for art Katrina's Tea Party

Lampwork bead accents


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