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Blood Sweat Tears Faced

by Doe-Lyn

(Search Results for 'digital' in All Art Galleries)

Art: Blood Sweat Tears Faced by Artist Doe-Lyn
Empowered by a devotion to the whole heart of humanity, it can be faced, head on: forward.

No more unaware, complacent, indifference, as too often the case. It can be hard, it can hurt and that is why one must cross the threshold. The only way to get over is to go through. Through it all as a reminder of what was, what we face now, and how gracefully we can move forward. Beyond it all: racism, misogyny, homophobia, plutocracy, classism, warfare, xenophobia, a false definition of nativism, unfathomable twisted atrocities ...

For the devices that have been utilized to lash out, to shun, to fake it through the discomfort; to restrain others as opposed to elevating us, to cling to archaic archetypes - you will be soothed, not go back in time, and no time will ever be the same, as we take this decomposition and feed the soil. The entire system is changing. Slowly. Quickly. In any case, inevitably. Face the blood, sweat and tears from yesterday and here and now, as tomorrow is being rewritten. Head long and heart strong, face-to-face.

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