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Rooster, Bowl and an Egg

by Heather Sims

(Search Results for 'black' in All Art Galleries)

Art: Rooster, Bowl and an Egg by Artist Heather Sims
This painting was done for February Nibblefest theme "Dreams' .. Well I KNOW i did not set up this still life?? How the heck did that sleeping rooster get in the bowl?  Whose dream is this? His or mine?  I'm not really sure and don't know what happened here.. must of dreamed this.. I do have chickens. love my pottery and love to stack it.. 

This was a fun one! I love a quirky still life.  :)

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Rooster, Bowl and an Egg

side a

Detail Image for art Rooster, Bowl and an Egg

side b


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