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Senator John McCain

by Erika Nelson

Political Art gallery

Art: Senator John McCain by Artist Erika Nelson
I am quite involved in local art functions in my area, so for this year's art center fundraising, I painted the two presidential candidates for their 5x5 show.

John McCain is a true American hero and this will never be denied. This notable dent that he has placed in our history goes past his captivity as prisoner of war in Vietnam for 5 long years. Despite the disabling condition the war left him, he continues to be passionately protective of our betterment by serving in the government as a spokesperson for the voiceless.

Senator McCain is a good man with wonderful sense of humor. I was disappointed that there is not really a photo that portrays a more engaging image of him. This is why I painted him with a twinkle in his eyes and a welcoming smile. I believe this is the John McCain that people love.

Finally, I painted stars along the edges of the gallery canvas to acknowledge both candidates for their unwavering love for America and because they are both outstanding men - they are both stars in my book!

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Senator John McCain

showing star studded sides


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