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The Pause That Refreshes

by Sherry Key

Folk Art gallery

Art: The Pause That Refreshes by Artist Sherry Key
Ahh, the pause that refreshes! Nothing beats a drink of fresh, clean, clear water. 

Giraffes was the November theme for Nibblefest on Ebay. A monthly art contest that runs the 20th through the 27th of each month and the art starts at just .99 cents. This is one of the giraffes I did that I didn't put up for sale until now.

One reason I love to participate is the different theme each month gives me a new idea or subject to stretch and use my imagination.

I usually end up doing at least two and sometimes three or four artworks for the theme of the month but only one of them is usually put up for sale starting at .99 cents. 

This month's theme will be "Doors" and I already have two completed works of art and am working on a third. 

Tomorrow is March 20th and new Nibbles begin. You'll have to wait and see which one I decide to put up for auction in the contest tomorrow evening.



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