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Frida: a Child the Wistful, Longing Years

by Alma Lee

Doll Art Artist Made Art Gallery

Art: Frida: a Child the Wistful, Longing Years by Artist Alma Lee
Frida Kahlo has become a recent obsession of mine.  I can't say I hadn't seen her picture before, how can you not, but I used to think to myself what is the deal with her.  This winter I watch a movie about her and Diego and found her irresistible.  I saw her painting of her own birth and thought I would like to do something from her middle years, the wistful, restless longing years.

This is a re-purposed doll I purchased at Goodwill.  I bought it because it had no plastic eyes, making it much easier to paint in the figures eyes.  I decided to set her gaze off to the side, because I get the feeling she was always scanning the horizon in search a new hope, a new love.  I also believed that she never saw betrayal coming.

Her dress is a re-purposed vintage hankie with a recycled ribbon.  The bodice of her dress is a doll necklace from the first doll I ever had.

About this piece:
Size: approx 13" tall
Media: re-purposed doll painted with oil

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Frida: a Child the Wistful, Longing Years

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Detail Image for art Frida: a Child the Wistful, Longing Years

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Detail Image for art Frida: a Child the Wistful, Longing Years

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