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Lovebird Egg Pysanky Easter Lapel Pin

by So Jeo LeBlond

Artist Made Jewelry Art Gallery

Art: Lovebird Egg Pysanky Easter Lapel Pin by Artist So Jeo LeBlond
Men's Lapel Pin
Fabrege Inspired
22 k Gold Leaf
Swarovski Crystals
Gold-Filled Bail
Crystal Clear Eco Resin

The resin I use to strengthen the pieces is commonly used to seal countertops, so it is extremely durable. It is crystal clear, contains UV filters to keep the colors bright and is made with NO Toxic Organic Compounds or Heavy Metals and is “Greenseal” approved, being formulated with no harsh chemicals!

I make two types of jewelry, whole small eggs and cutout pieces of larger eggs:

1. Small eggs such as finch, lovebird and parakeet eggs are injection filled and coated with UV Eco resin* to create mini Pysanky jewelry! The finch eggs are a mere ¾” tall!

2. For cutouts, I carefully cut out pieces of the eggshell using a rotary tool with a diamond blade. For these I mostly work with chicken, turkey, goose, rhea and ostrich. Then the backs of these pieces are filled with resin for strength. Once the resin has cured, the pieces are trimmed again with the rotary tool, hand sanded and then the holes are drilled. A topcoat of UV Eco resin* is used to give them a crystal clear shine. 

Pysanky or Ukrainian Easter Eggs are an ancient folk art from Ukraine. They are created on real eggshells by alternating the application of hot beeswax applied with a stylus or writing pen called a kistka and dipping in dyes of progressively darker shades. The traditional symbols and colours each have different meanings. The last step is to remove the wax with a candle flame to reveal the beautiful design hidden beneath. 

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Lovebird Egg Pysanky Easter Lapel Pin

Lovebird Egg Pysanky Lapel Pin

Detail Image for art Lovebird Egg Pysanky Easter Lapel Pin

Lovebird Egg Pysanky Lapel Pin

Detail Image for art Lovebird Egg Pysanky Easter Lapel Pin

Lovebird Egg Pysanky Lapel Pin


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