gillie -> RE: Report your relaunch bugs here (11/9/2010 1:58:42 PM)
ORIGINAL: lamillerphotography IE8 looks good now. Clear lettering and font[:)] No fuzzy stuffs. We made some changes on that front to accommodate IE. What we had before looked much better on all other browsers, but since 42% of our customers use IE we had to make a change. Speaking of IE, we've done all of our testing on IE 7 or later. Apparently, we didn't test this browser family aggressively enough since 99% of our current tech ticket list is IE-related. Now, uploads, coas, and templates are an issue across the board, but IE customers are having extreme issues with how their artcases are displaying. The earlier the version of your IE browser, the worse the issues are. We do suggest that those of you using IE 6 or earlier consider an upgrade. Thanks to everyone who has been sharing their issues. We're working as quickly as we can to get things back to smooth sailing for everyone.