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Paula Kochan Radl

Artist's Profile

I am a self-taught artist that likes to experiment with many types of mediums, whether it be colored pencils, acrylics, watercolors, wood, fabric or cement and even photography. I also like to take found objects that others may have no use for and give it another life. I have loved art all of my life, I can remember my first set of "magic markers", a full one hundred different colors, WOW!! I still to this day like working with markers and encourage my young nephews to draw, and I like to frame and display their artwork. Children have such creative minds that aren't yet filled with the clutter of adulthood.

My mind is filled with so many ideas and images of future creations I find it very relaxing and therapeudic to sit for hours and let my imagination take over. I also like to have other artists artwork in my home and try to imagine what they were thinking as they were creating it.

Some day I dream of being a self-supporting artist and creating art that will make people smile, maybe make someones day a little brighter and have them wonder what I was thinking when I was creating it...or just wonder what the heck was she thinking!!

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