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Javier Martinez

Artist's Profile

Javier Martinez Cuban artist living in Miami Florida, creating art that makes you recreate, I have been creating art ever since I was a child, always fascinated with the current modern pictorial as the Cubism of Picasso, Juan Gris, Fernad Leger Wifredo Lam and others, With a combination of Fruits, Guitars, and People  that focus on composition and color. always looking to create new images and sensations. through varied media as painting sculpture, silk-screen printing, engravings etc

It can be said of this Cuban artist without hesitation or exaggeration that his paintings are as Cuban as they are personal and optimistic. The use of color is usually rich, vibrant and brilliant.  It makes the body of work part of Cuba most representative artistic expressions. The most frequent themes are farmers guajiros, guitars, sugar cane, and mulatas revealing the artist personal poetic expression and tenderness, as well as a clearly defined sense of Cuban culture. The composition, drawing, and conception of all his paintings appear simple and legible as required by a poem which the artist visually narrates.  The transparency and human values of Javier Martinez emerge like biographical painting expressions of his very personal style and manners. At first sight, it could be said his paintings are an easy, comforting and a pleasing experience.  This apparent indulgence is not simplicity, but explains the strong influence of Cubism. Influence which he has achieved by taking his personal interpretations to the extreme; seeking to give us a work of art which is pleasant, serene, and allows us to disconnect from the complexity of everyday life and depersonalization from the outside world. His work is both soothing and enjoyable and has the appeal of domestic bliss. It seems to stand out and remind us of times gone by. An art form in need of rescue. 

Eduardo Morales Nieves 
Master of Arts, Professor of Aesthetics and Art Theory and Criticism, I.S.A., Cuba 


by Pedro Amador Cuban Master Landscape

La tematica constante del campesino, el trabajo Agricola y las frutas tropicales, enraizadas en la geografia insular cubana acompanan con tanidos de guitarra  las obras de Javier Martinez.

Sus cuadros se estructuran con alientos picassianos y transparencias jugosas,  ritmos voluptuosos y mieles de canaveral.

Profundamente popular y calido el curvilineo movimiento del contorno de hombres  mujeres vegetacion y animales  dejan entrever la herencia formal de Carlos Enriquez  en perfecto y maduro equilibrio con la estetica formal del cubismo sintetico de Pablo Picasso.

Javier Martinez  posee  un lenguaje propio y maduro, sencillo , bien pensado y estructurado. Sus obra transpira cubania calor sencillez sincera emocion y sobre todo refleja una solida formacion profesional afincada en una constante practica .

Un cuadro de Javier  en cualquier pared  es una sonrisa cargada de nobleza  siempre claro siempre brillante  siempre verdadero.

Pedro Amador




Shades and Ancestros  Cuba 1997. 

Between Myths and Outlines   Cuba 1997. 

Prophesy, Between  Cross  and Glasses  Cuba 1998. 

First Landscape Saloon  Cuba 1998. 

Second Festival of the Cuban Culture  Italy 1998. 

Combat III Edition   Cuba 1998. 

Arts and Tobacco  Cuba 1998. 

Second National Competition P.M.A. In Action  Cuba 1998. 

Nature 99   Cuba 1999. 

Beneficent Raffle for the Fight About  Cancer Eradication    Cuba 2001.

The Boheme Fine Art  Miami 2002.  

Union Planters Bank   Miami 2003. 

Casa Juancho Restaurant  Miami 2003. 

Hispanic Art Expressions    Miami 2004. 

Annual Charity Gala   by  His House Children s Home  (Eden Roc Hotel)    Miami 2004. 

Hispanic Art Expressions  Washington Mutual Bank, Miami 2005. 

Hispanic Art Expressions  Wachovia Bank,   Miami 2005. 

Carnaval On the Mile 2008 Miami 2008.   


ART AND CREATIVITY 2008  One Brickell Square,  Miami 2008. 

Cuba, su Gente y Paisajes  Big Five Club,    Miami 2008. 


Miami Dade Goverment Center, October  2008

SMALL WORKS, BIG IDEA Vol. I  (Da Vinci's Gallery), Miami, Sept 4, 2009. 

Miami Dade Goverment Center, October  2010. 

SOLO ART MIAMI  (Miami airport convention Center) November 19-21 / 2010. 

Miami Dade Goverment Center,    May  2011

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