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Christy Hydeck

Artist's Profile

Whose that girl?

“I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things... I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind.” - Leo F. Buscaglia

Artist. Writer. Photographer. Instructor. All-Around-Smartass. Dreamer. Lover of Nature. Believer in Miracles. Collector of Words. Adores Animals, Children, Whimsy and Most-Things-Odd. Student of Life.

Listen to an interview with me by clicking here! (Fast forward to 11 mins to skip technical troubles)

Editor's Note: (I really don't speak in the third person, ala Bob Dole -- but it was just, simpler to paste this here, than re-type it all etc. ..ha! Besides, I need to re-write it still!)

Chrysti (Christy Hydeck) is an emerging mixed media artist whose work is collected by individuals and companies across the globe. Her quirky, one-of-a-kind art has been featured in calendars, books, galleries, coffee houses, retail stores and advertisements as well as being published in both print and digital magazines. In 2004, she chose to pursue her life long dream of creating full-time. With this satisfaction came the realization that this was only the beginning and not the culmination of her creative vision.

"There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly." -Buckminster Fuller

Considered an outsider artist, Chrysti lives with Bipolar Disorder, and Tourette’s Syndrome. Her work is often very personal, expressing her passion for children, family and animals as well as showing her love of whimsy, words and all things odd.

In addition, Chrysti teaches mixed-media workshops and is a contributor to Cloth, Paper, Scissors magazine. She has established and maintains several online stores and communities. She is also a promising amateur photographer.

It is Chrysti’s belief, that everyone has an artist within. It is her mission, to help inspire others find and express their own creative selves.

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