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Art Show: Jewelry Show: Ore, Mineral, Wood

Driftwood Ring Found Object Art Jewelry

by Amethyst Lobster

Banner for Jewelry Show: Ore, Mineral, Wood art show

Art: Driftwood Ring Found Object Art Jewelry  by Artist Amethyst Lobster
While we were walking on the beach on Dec 31, 2006, I told my son that I needed to make a piece of jewelry from wood and stone. Well, just take a piece of wood, carve a ring from it and put a stone on top, he said. Yes, and I'll mount it with wire, I said. I picked up a stone and we both said "cool". Later, I found a piece of driftwood, thick enough for a ring. At home, I created this entry for the EBSQ contest. I hope you enjoy. It's a joint design by my son and I.

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Detail Image for art Driftwood Ring Found Object Art Jewelry


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