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Art Show: Insects

"Alien Insect on Carnivorous Plant"

by Ann Murray

Banner for Insects art show

Art: Alien Insect on Carnivorous Plant by Artist Ann Murray
This piece is entitled "Alien Insect with Carnivorous Plant". The title tells it all! Can you see our little meat-eating plant's tendril on the left sneaking swiftly silently toward little alien bug? Will he make it and live on to father millions more little alien insects? Or will our hungry carnivorous plant enjoy a tasty morsel for the week's meal? .....??? Think about it. (Hint: I usually root for the herbivore, so in my world, the little insect escapes and lives a long and happy life, fathering millions more duplicates of himself.)

What made me choose my subject is that I believe the universe is TEEMING with life, so many different sizes, shapes and types that it defies imagination. I read good sci-fi and realize that in actuality my little alien bug and plant are pretty prosaic - they are based on my one narrow view - life on earth. But hopefully I've changed them enough to give the viewer a little glimpse into the strangeness and familiarity of what life on other worlds may look like.

This work is done in watercolor paints, dyes, India ink and acrylic paint on all archival watercolor board (no warping!). All work is personally guaranteed by the artist to last and last. All materials are archival and acid-free and I use only the finest synthetic non-fur brushes.

All work is copyright to the artist and may not be duplicated in any way without express permission of the artist. Please respect the rights of all earthlings. Thank you.

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