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Art Show: Flower of the Month:Waterlilies

Norwegian Spirit of the Waters

by Amarilli A.

Banner for Flower of the Month:Waterlilies art show

Art: Norwegian Spirit of the Waters by Artist Amarilli A.
In this painting (which is one of my largest) I wanted to depict the fascination of a water pond, and its mythological 'spirit' the Nøkken (in Scandinavian and German Mythology). Some tales tells he's a scary and horrible creature who drowns young beautiful girls... I believe he's a beautiful Nature Spirit which enchantes pure-hearted girls, and plays unearthly, heart-breaking melodies on his violin for them...and some may fall so much in love with him that they forget the rest of the world, and since after meeting him they will never be able to come back to normal life and be happy with it, they decide to follow his invitation to go to live with him in his Watery Reign, and listen to the violin forever...


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