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EBSQ Community Guidelines

How to mind your P's and (EBS)Q's

EBSQ is more than just an art portfolio-hosting site for individual use; we're also an active community of artists. These guidelines are an addendum to our official Terms of Service for the site. Be aware that these guidelines pertain to behaviour across all aspects of our site: individual portfolios, EBSQ galleries and shows, our forums, and our branded social media spaces such as our public Facebook page and private Facebook group.

Do unto others:

In other words, play nice. Treat others with respect. And if you have a conflict with another member, please try to settle it privately rather than dragging the community in a flame war.

If it doesn't belong to you, please don't put it on our site:

We ask that you only upload images that you created and solely belong to you. If you want to curate a collection of EBSQ work you like, feel free to add it to your favourites folder(s).

Your Art Case is for Art. Period.

Please do not use your EBSQ Art Case for general image hosting. If you have something like a banner that you use as part of your marketing materials, you can include it as part of your 10-alotted non-art image hosting slots. If it's a picture of your new kitty or your house-remodel, save it for a general photo sharing site.

Don't get folks fired (aka "about those risque art pieces that are NSFW..."):

We do not yet have a content filter to keep the site 100% Work-safe, but we don't want to censor your art. EBSQ does allow Adult content in personal portfolios and in our Adult Content gallery. That said, IF your work is appropriate for this gallery, it does not belong elsewhere on the site. Example? If it's a graphically nude photograph, it does not belong in our portrait or photography galleries. This includes your identity images and personal avatars for the forums.

What belongs in the Adult content gallery?

Work that is graphically explicit or suggestive, be it violent or sexual in nature. We reserve the right to remove porn and otherwise illegal imagery from our site. In the event of repeat offenses, your account may be suspended or terminated.

What's the difference between Artistic Nude and Adult Content?

Breasts and/or Buttocks + no sexual connotation = artistic nude. Private parts or otherwise sexually suggestive in context = Adult Content. (We've seen from experience that the figure can be completely clothed and still sexually suggestive.)

Don't put illegal stuff on our site:

Kiddie porn? No thank you. Work that violates someone else's copyright? Nope. Do not want. Work that harrasses or attacks an individual or group of people? Nope, not welcome.

We admit it; we stole this one from Flickr: Don't be Creepy.

You know the guy. Don't be that guy.

I'm not creepy--am I?

Hopefully not! Just to be sure, don't, for example, upload pinhole camera pictures taken on the sly of your neighbour's children in the kiddie pool. Also, repeated posts of an overly personal, negative, controversial, disruptive or confrontational nature = creepy. Just don't do it.

Other things to keep in mind:

EBSQ is a diverse community, encompassing all manner of nationalities, political and spiritual beliefs, sexual orientations and lifestyle choices, and of course, all manner of artistic media, genre, and styles. Try to focus on what brings us all together: a love of art. You may be offended by something you see on the site, or see work that is in the wrong gallery. If you have a problem with another member's behaviour or content posted on the site, please drop us a line to let us know!

Give other members a heads up:

If you're posting a thread on our fourms that contains overly foul language, an off-colour joke, political commentary, nude art for critique, or anything else that other members might wish to avoid reading/seeing, please note this in your subject line for your forum posts. Failure to do so can result in having your post removed by one of the moderators, and continuing to do so can result in loss of posting access or membership.

Copyright issues:

We take image ownership very seriously. That said, there are some emerging artists who emulate what they see other successful artists doing, and their "borrowing" of your imagery is probably not malicious. If you think an EBSQ member has violated your copyright, a good first step is to drop them a polite line and ask them to remove the work from their portfolio. If this does not work, please contact us with an infringement notice and we'll handle things from there.

So--that's the whole spiel.

We hope you'll find these guidelines make for a more harmonious community environment. And if you find you can't live by these rules, perhaps EBSQ isn't the best place for you and your art. That's cool. Thanks for your consideration.

Questions? Comments? Feedback is always welcome. Drop us a line and an honest-to-goodness real person will write back to you. Scouts' honor!

© 2000-2024 EBSQ, LLC - All rights reserved - Original artists retain all rights
EBSQ Self Representing Artists - is a division of EBSQ, LLC