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Ulrike Ricky Martin

Artist's Profile

I love strong and vivid colors, in my Oils , Watercolors , Acrylics, Colored Pencils, and  the medium I fell in love with some years ago  - Encaustics  ( pigmented molten Bees Wax. )

I like to experiment with everything, ranging from abstract, impressionist to representative and even photo realism.

 I am a very spontaneous painter - often my paintings are not totally planned out - I start to paint - and as  the painting develops, it takes on a momentum of its own as I go along.

I will do commissions occasionally - please contact me if you are interested.

I started teaching " Watercolor on Canvas" workshops in 2007 -which have been very well attended.

My work is in collections all over the USA as well as in Canada, Europe, Asia and Middle East.

One of my original paintings was purchased with the copyright by a California Wine Company for use as a wine label.

I participate in numerous shows and have won many awards for my work.

For questions and purchase info, please click on the envelope above.

Thank you for stopping by - I hope you will enjoy viewing my work.

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