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Sherry Key



Art: SMOKING ALLOWED HERE-Lecture Included by Artist Sherry Key
This is not me, but I have the same nasty habit. Is a vice a sin? I don't really want to hear your answer to that. It's a powerful habit.

I don't care how many pictures you show me of cancerous diseased lungs...I am addicted. Yes, I have had relatives die of all kinds of cancer, including lung cancer. It's a powerful habit.

If you've never started then don't! I have quit two times in my many years. Both times I quit for about 10 years at a time. If people could love us or guilt us into quitting, my family and kids would already have accomplished that.

If you haven't walked in my shoes, don't judge me. There, but for the grace of God, goes you. If you quit, then more power to you, and I hope you can stay that way. I have to make the decision in my own time, hopefully it will be in time.

Maybe's a powerful habit.

Photo by S. Key-printed in black/white, hand-altered with colored pencils and ink.


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