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Shelly Bedsaul

Topeka, Kansas USA

Foole for Love

This piece of art appeared as Art of the Day on 2/9/2009

Art: Foole for Love by Artist Shelly Bedsaul
Valentine's Day is coming and it made me think of the silly things we girls do in the name of romance. We just overdo everything. Makeup, hair, clothing and even the fantasies we build up about our frog princes. My little foole has done all that and you can tell by her stance and her expression that she is just not grounded in reality, but we've got to love her anyway. Where would the world be without fruffy little hearts and roses and the fooles that love them? She's drawn on archival rag board using Prismacolor pencils and Pigma Micron Archival Ink. It is sprayed with a matte acrylic coating to seal and give it a velvety finish.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Foole for Love

Detail Image for art Foole for Love


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