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Phil Petersen

200 Sycamore Street
Tipton, Iowa 52772

Phone: 563-886-3037

Bonsai Moonlight Stained Glass Window

Art: Bonsai Moonlight Stained Glass Window by Artist Phil Petersen

Created from a vision in my own little world! J The Bonsai tree to me means tranquility.

The stained glass art while designing it was made to show the depth glass effects could have and to demonstrate graceful appeal of the Bonsai.   While fabricating the art work great care was taken for glass type, content and placement to give off the right amount of special effects.  The moon was cut for the crater markings; the tree trunk is made to look intertwined with its wood textured glass in various shades of browns and ambers to show shadowing; the tree foliage is made of mottled glass to give off the effects of shadows as the moonlight would give off while adding texture and depth also; the beautiful night sky has white wisps that run through it to mimic the clouds and haze given off by the moon.  As the daylight changes throughout the day the special effects will also.    

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Bonsai Moonlight Stained Glass Window

Detail Image for art Bonsai Moonlight Stained Glass Window

Detail Image for art Bonsai Moonlight Stained Glass Window


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