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Natasha Bouchillon Formerly Wescoat

Artist's Interview

How long have you been creating?
I have been creating since age 3. Professionally since 22.
What is your medium of choice?
Acrylics on canvas, mixed media for illustrations and vector for design.
What, besides your art, brings you creative fulfillment?
Photography, reading novels outside my own interests, attending small concerts, writing, educating myself through the arts and philosophies, travel.
What are your motivations for creating?
I think I have a form of ADD/ADHD and OCD that forces me to create. I have compulsive energy and creating something helps calm that down. Really!
What other artists and movements inform your work?
Gustav Klimt, Takashi Murakami, Andy Warhol, Tim Burton.
How do you know when a piece you have been working on is done?
When it no longer frustrates me. Painting is like problem solving.
What do you find stimulating right now? How does this influence your creative process?
Weather, happiness, and possibilities. Life always influences my motivation. I am excited about life and the possibilities of learning and adventure art gives me.
What brought you to EBSQ?
When I started out, I was looking for a community to learn, network and find influence.
What are some of your artistic goals for the future?
To evolve into new ideas, do less commercially popular works and do more things that are personal. Experimental work.
What would you like your fellow EBSQ artists and collectors to know about you and or your work?
I strive to create work I would want to own. Art that is unique, a bit strange but inspiring and liberating.

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