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Art Show: The Urban Street: Photographs from Town


by Gabriele Maurus

Banner for The Urban Street: Photographs from Town art show

Art: Bank by Artist Gabriele Maurus
Zurich (some call it "zu reich" = too rich), Switzerland's largest city isn't lacking banks anyway. (For more details see Directory of Swiss Banks) Therefore it was no surprise for a lot of people, that the city had a call for artists - creating and building benches. In German (the native language in this part of Switzerland) the same word "Bank" is used for a financial institution as well as a bench.

This object - apparently in use by an angel - stood close to the headquarter of the largest Swiss bank. Don't be fooled by the lack of cars, this is the heart of the city. The centre of a lot of European towns are only accessible for pedestrians and cyclists and in this case the Tram. The picture was taken early Saturday evening, when shops have been closed (another strange ancient European habit).

This picture was shot during one of my last visits to Europe, and for me it is a symbol of the relationship between art and commerce, city life and a place of peace. They can go well together - like in this photograph - but even in my own files this is an exception from the rule.

Technical details: Sony Mavica F90, original resolution 640 x 480. More details in the EFIX section of the file. I take pictures primarly for consumption on the WEB, and the fun of catching a specific atmosphere or image formation. So computer screen resolution is good enough.


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