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Art Show: Better Late Than Never 2015

Chicken Dance

by Alma Lee

Banner for Better Late Than Never 2015 art show

Art: Chicken Dance by Artist Alma Lee
We have all heard of happy cows
and dogs of course tend to lean that way
but the happiest are the chickens as they dance and sway
is it a mystery, or just a happen stance
even walking on eggshells they dance
and really why should it not be so
thy lay their eggs, each and every day
so happy are they to waltz away!

The Chicken Dance is a digital illustration a long time in coming when the chicken and goat show came up I gravitated toward doing a chicken, after all that used to be all that I drew, but somehow it was nice but it just seemed to be lacking something...I set it aside then just this week I remembered it and had a spark of how to "jazz" it up.  This illustration was done in Art Rage then finished with CS6 utilizing Flexify II. Photoshop extension.


Detail Images

Detail Image for art Chicken Dance

chicken cup.jpg

Detail Image for art Chicken Dance

chicken cup 1.jpg


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