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Pirate's Alley - SOLD

by Diane Millsap

architectural art gallery

Art: Pirate's Alley - SOLD by Artist Diane Millsap
Bold colors capture the excitement and, at the same time, the mystery of a street in the old French Quarter. This large abstract street scene has strong design elements which give it a modern graphic quality. It is painted with heavy-body acrylics; and left unvarnished, giving the surface a dull sheen. No framing is required. The edges of the staple-free canvas are also painted, and a picture wire kit is included. This is a one-of-a-kind original painting, and Diane's certificate of authenticity will be enlcosed. Many of Diane's paintings are currently published by Ariel of France, a leading publisher of fine art prints.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Pirate's Alley - SOLD


Detail Image for art Pirate's Alley - SOLD


Detail Image for art Pirate's Alley - SOLD



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