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Island House

by Cynthia Schmidt

architectural art gallery

Art: Island House by Artist Cynthia Schmidt
A fairy tale house sits on a small island in the middle of the sea. My daughters think that a part-time mermaid may live here (she's a mermaid part of the time, and human the rest of the time). I don't know, because I've never seen anyone come or go from the house. The little fish is quite curious about the interior of the house, but knows that a lengthy encounter with the fireplace inside could give him itchy, dry skin, so he has settled for jumping up to peer into the windows.

There is a teeny tiny little light (time for the Redundancy Police to spring into action) above the front door, inviting the owner and visitors to enter.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Island House

House Detail

Detail Image for art Island House

The Fish

Detail Image for art Island House

The Weathervane


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