This shot was taken in my home town of Reims, France. The cat poster, roughly glued to the wall, first attracted my attention. It is by the artist Mezzoforte, whom I tried to contact but failed. The other elements symbolize the urban landscape for me: grime, peeling paint, fading graffiti, a rain spout, the nubbly glass above the door... The old door looks like it hasn't been opened in years... but the light glowing inside is evidence of a human presence. I like to include letterforms and found textures in my art, so this was a natural. The shot was taken with a Sony W5 digital camera on an overcast summer day, in a semi-outdoor shopping gallery with a glass roof. I did minor color correction in Photoshop but otherwise left it alone. I liked the composition as is, and did not want to lose any of the rainspout or pixels by straightening it.
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