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Vicky Knowles

Basking Ridge, NJ

Hamstey is a WINNER

Exhibit Entries

Art: Hamstey is a WINNER by Artist Vicky Knowles
Jeebus, that's one homely hamster - talk about lacking in the face department!! But you know what? Hamstey is still a winner, despite his physical shortcomings. Really he is, it says so right on his shirt.

Besides being insanely cute (except for Hamstey), here are some interesting hamster facts:

* Hamsters generally like to eat nuts, seeds, fruit & vegetables, and sometimes even BUGS and MEAL WORMS (eeww)!

* Hamsters store extra food in their cheek pouches, which will extend down to their elbows (just adding to their cuteness)

* If left alone together, a hamster would likely become a tasty snack for your pet cat

* Pet hamsters will pick a corner of their cage to be their toilet (usually furthest away from the food).


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