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Art: Elephantey by Artist Vicky Knowles
Two years ago I discovered Amigurumi - Japanese style crocheted anthropomorphic creatures. I was so taken with the overwhelming cuteness of these characters that I taught myself to crochet in order to make my own little friends. Although I did consult some patterns in order to learn the process (including a book entirely in Japanese, quite a challenge!) each of these creatures is my own design - I can't be bothered to follow a pattern anyway, but at the same time I took rather sketchy notes (my own version of a pattern) so I doubt that I could reproduce any one of these.

This is Elephanty, one of my creations. She's an elephant doll crocheted from acrylic yarn, with polyfill stuffing, wire armature in the legs and of course, manufactured eyeballs.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Elephantey

Detail Image for art Elephantey

Detail Image for art Elephantey


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