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Tracey Allyn Greene

Madison, AL USA

Primary Fruits and Black and Whites

Exhibit Entries

Art: Primary Fruits and Black and Whites by Artist Tracey Allyn Greene
For the Ripped Show '04, my take on several of Laura Misztela's mini cats and giant fruit pieces. I used my own black and white cats as models, as I thought they would be a good contrast to the giant fruits I painted using only primary colors. Always laid-back Cassady takes it easy on a lemon, while Deck knocks down blueberries to his sister Alma to chase, meanwhile Kesey attacks a strawberry! The chinese characters are my signature and below is my original "Theo" seal, in memory of my little Theo kitten, gone now but always remaining my muse.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Primary Fruits and Black and Whites


Detail Image for art Primary Fruits and Black and Whites



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