This piece was created specifically for the EBSQ Ripped Off Show 2006. It is a rip inspired by two of Robin McGee's pieces, Heart Island and Polynesian Island #2.
What went through my mind when I saw the pieces was how we can withdraw into ourselves and become islands if we allow it...I know I certainly can do that, especially when dealing with the heartbreak of caring for animals, as a vet tech especially I would have to learn to distance myself, yet I also cared deeply. Cats can also seem like little islands, and not seem to care whether you are around or not, but they have hearts too, and you know you have broken through that isolation when you hear that purr.
So, I wanted this piece to convey that isolation, yet a connection about to be made between the two, each with a warmth flowing out from the volcano-like mountains in the center of each island.
This piece was terribly hard to photograph. It is on watercolor canvas, and I did a watercolor wash of blues and greens surrounding the islands, then thick gesso for the island figures. Those are knife painted in irridescent oils, some lovely colors I acquired just for this piece. I used Antique bronze for the base glaze, then knifed raw sienna, tiger's eye, irridescent copper and gold over that, with a little vermillion for the volcanos. The background ocean I then sponge painted with irridescent electric blue and turquoise, leaving some of the watercolor to pop through.
It was delicious fun to create this piece, hope you like it Robin!
Detail Images

Cat Detail

Robin's pieces
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