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Sherry Key


Peeps Keeper

Art: Peeps Keeper by Artist Sherry Key
Ever wondered where peeps come from? Ever wondered why they are virtually indestructible? No, they didn't come from a chicken, and they didn't come from an egg, they are magically produced around this time of the year, and nurtured and cared for by one of my "Peeps Keepers." 

This adorable, creepy "Peeps Keeper" is a 5" x 7" limited edition, hand embellished print. Printed on matte paper and then hand colored with colored pencils and ink. The original was done in graphite pencils, wash, and colored pencils.

Up for 7 day auction on Ebay starting at just .99 cents. Check it out HERE...(-:

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Peeps Keeper



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