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Sherry Key


Chartreuse Zipperfly Smuggling Fairy

Art: Chartreuse Zipperfly Smuggling Fairy by Artist Sherry Key
See 3 WIP detail images (click on images to enlarge) and read about my experience below. 

This show had to be done entirely with the Twisted Brush paint program. I have always admired digital art but have never tried my hand at it. This last two weeks has been a series of first for me. My first experience with digital art (other than playing around with Paint and a mouse), my first experience with a digital pen, and my first with a paint program. I have wanted to try digital art but have always been afraid of it. Afraid I wouldn't be able to do it, afraid I couldn't manipulate and use it to it's fullest potential, or use it to realize MY fullest potential with it. I just felt inadequate to use it. So, I downloaded the 15 day trial version of Twisted Brush, decided to dig in, and give it my best shot. I got the Bamboo pen and touch which is the cheapest brand although 199.00 is not cheap to me. In for a penny, in for a pound...right? 

Twisted Brush has so many brush tips and different effects choices it is intimidating to a newbie like me, but I persevered. I experimented on a couple of paintings to try and get the feel of the brush tips. I felt VERY awkward with the pen and getting used to the feel and touch. I did like that it can be set for a left handed person like me, but I'm not sure if that really helped me or not. I felt like I had little control and every time I touched the pen down to do a stroke or draw, the actual paint color lagged behind, and didn't start where I actually touched down with the pen. So it was touch down, draw, and then eventually the paint would come along behind me. At least that's what it felt like. I spent many hours trying to fine tune the control and finally got a little better at it. 

I found free form drawing like I did in this finished piece was difficult to do as opposed to using the tool that does circles and rectangles so perfectly for you. Well, I could go on and on about this experience I think I will go into it further in my blog later this week. 

So here is my little Chartreuse Zipperfly Smuggling Fairy. She's smuggling Zipperflies. Kind of like dragonflies, only zippier. With chartreuse, peach, lavender and graphite type colors, and if you look closely she has a sprinkle of freckles on her sun kissed, peach colored cheeks. I even managed to eek out one of my moons to feed my current obsession for moons, orbs, and round things, that runs throughout a lot of my artwork. 

The prize for the top winner in this show is a full version of Twisted Brush. My pen came with Corel Painter but it doesn't have near the tons of brushes and options that Twisted Brush has. If you like my artwork and would like to see how much further digital art can take me, or I can take it...I would appreciate your vote. Now that I've got a taste of it I think I could have a new obsession...(-:

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Chartreuse Zipperfly Smuggling Fairy

Initial digital sketch

Detail Image for art Chartreuse Zipperfly Smuggling Fairy

Beginning of background

Detail Image for art Chartreuse Zipperfly Smuggling Fairy

About 2/3 finished


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