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Sara Field

Petoskey, MI USA

Hanes Preserved

Art: Hanes Preserved by Artist Sara Field
Nearly two years ago, our local art center was having a juried photography show. Part of the prospectus was that the photos had to have been taken at one of several Northern Michigan nature preserves. The Virginia McCune Preserve happens to be right down the road from our home, so I took my camera one bright October day snapping several shots of the trees and trails but felt I had nothing that I could use. Just as I was about to go, I spotted something hanging on a small tree that didn't look exactly natural for the remote setting.

Upon closer examination (without touching of course) I realized I was staring at a pair of men's Hanes underpants. You really need to enlarge the first shot to fully appreciate. The most amazing thing is that the brand name was showing, or I would have just thought it was a rag. Hmmm, wonder what the story was behind this attraction.

Needless to say, I didn't enter any photos into the show.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Hanes Preserved

At first glance...


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