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Sherry Key



Art: MERMAID WITH GILLS by Artist Sherry Key

Title-Mermaid With Gills-Colored pencils and ink. Relaxing purples and blues.

Real merpeople aren't beautiful by human standards but are beautiful in their own way. My depiction of mermaids is not the average. Most mermaid paintings look more human. Gives the feeling of calm, silence, and the fantastic. These belong more in the aquatic world with their airholes and gills, than out.

This is one of my "Mermaid Series." Most of these miniature artworks take me a minimum of 2-3 hours to make.

2.5"x 3.5" very popular and collectible, baseball sized ACEO art cards, on sturdy bristol (like cardstock but made for artwork).

Hope my underwater world takes you away.

All copyrights reserved by artist and cannot be copied or reproduced without my permission.

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Detail Image for art MERMAID WITH GILLS



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