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Sherry Key


Frida Kahlo

Art: Frida Kahlo by Artist Sherry Key
Keywords: Frida,Kahlo,flower,blue,Cartoon, Illustration,Mexico,artist,moon

Title-Frida, The Early Years

Before the pain, before the sorrows, when life was still full of possibilities and joy. Done in colored pencils and ink on sturdy bristol (like cardstock but made for artwork). Done in bright colors and style reminiscent of Mexican tiles and culture.
It takes me a minimum of 2-3 hours to complete one of these little artworks. ACEO art cards are 2.5" x 3.5" baseball sized artworks. I collect mine in game card boxes, collectible card albums, gift boxes, or framed and matted. (see other photo).
By Texas Artist/Artisan Sherry Key
For sale in my Ebay store "Skey's Shoppe"

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Frida Kahlo

Example-not for sale

Detail Image for art Frida Kahlo

Texas Artist/Artisan Sherry Key


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