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Robert Thomas Robie

Artist's Profile

Beauty, which is what is meant by art, using the word in its widest sense, is, I contend, no mere accident to human life, which people can take or leave as they choose, but a positive necessity of life.

William Morris, The Beauty of Life, 1880

Welcome to the fantastic world of Rob Robie. Nature is empowered in his world and man plays a harmonious role unlike the destrustive role he must play in an alternative. To have a dream of oneself as a butterfly and to awake feeling like one is the emotional backdrop Robie has constructed in his artistic world and wishes to convey his deep love for everyone good and bad through his artistic avenue. In this world imagination and knowledge meet and embrace in a visual explosion encrusted with a myriad of influences but resulting in an artistic creation and experience one can only describe as a Robie one. Living in California and enjoying its wamth and life has added much to influence his art as well. So please relax and enjoy these images with an open mind and heart.

Much Love, Rob


"The White Rabbit"-Aleisa Mckinlay FL..

"Sunrise for Brandywyne"-Dia Spriggs FL.

"The Norka"-Melia Newman TX.

"Mojo's Magical Dream"-Jenn Reid Ottowa Canada.

"The Bluegrass Spring"- Linda Sawicki IN.

"Spiderman vs. Doc Oc"-Dave Smith CA.

"Releasing the Corn Mother", "Releasing the Rose Princess", 'Brave New World"-Nada Robie WA.

"Theo's Last Dream","Vincent's Summertime Nap"- Tracey Allen Greene AL.

"Medicine Man","Builder of Walls", "Birth of Iao Neddle"-are mine

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