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Rita C. Ford

Nashville, TN USA

George and Gracie

Art: George and Gracie by Artist Rita C. Ford
Meet George and Gracie the only fantail goldfish in my water garden. George and Gracie are aptly named after the famous comedians due to their comical, yet somehow graceful swimming abilities. I have had these fish in my pond for about seven years and they are now about 10 inches long.

The two fish are almost completely orange-gold with shining flecks of yellow-gold tapering off to white at the tips of their beautiful tails.

Palette knife and scrumbling techniques are used to enhance the texture of the scales.

Main palette colors used are:

vivid red orange
cadmium orange
cadmium red light
cadmium yellow
sap green
ultramarine blue

Detail Images

Detail Image for art <b>George and Gracie

Detail Image for art <b>George and Gracie


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