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Rita C. Ford

Nashville, TN USA

Three Palm Trees

Art: Three Palm Trees by Artist Rita C. Ford
Since I grew up in an area of the country where much of the economy was based on the raising of ornamental trees and shrubs, I am always interested in the trees which grow in other parts of the country and which do not grow in Tennessee.

While visiting Florida, I was totally amazed at the palm trees. Besides the small tuff of leaves at the top of the trees reminding me of umbrellas, I was most amazed at what I thought was weaving of the bark on the trees. After further observation, I realized that no one had actually weaved the bark, but that the weaving appearance was the ruminants of dead leaves that had not fallen off the trunk.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Three Palm Trees

Detail Image for art Three Palm Trees

Detail Image for art Three Palm Trees


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